First WUEC trainings
Tuesday, the WUEC team started their training sessions for Sweden. They started with a dressage training in Amsterdam, led by Claire Verheijen-Dominicus. All team members got tips and tricks for how to assess the strengths and weaknesses of horses, and how to deal with them. Then, all riders rode a dressage test with an unfamiliar horse, which was judged. The team was very lucky to train seven different horses, for which many thanks to the owners!
The day ended with a dinner in Amsterdam, student riders style..
Wednesday early morning, the team was present for a ride in the Forrest of Amsterdam as a warm up. Then, course was put to Helvoirt, where fellow student rider Renske Kroeze has trained the team in jumping. At de Beemdhoeve, Stables, four nice horses were made available for this training. Thanks to her experience as a student rider with jumping on strange horses, Renske coached us excellently. Thanks for the great training and nice horses!

Alex, Joanne, Renske, Marcia and Marjolein after their jumpingtraining

Early morning ride Amsterdamse bos